Hi there! I’m Jean-Paul Argudo. I have some background in PostgreSQL for some time now. I’ve tried to make it short in the about section of this website. Consider the following series of posts the “longer version”. This is the very first post on this new blog! I hesitated a long time to reopen a blog, but I feel it’s now the time to do so. I’m also less and less confident on the right pre-made, commercial website to host blogs, including LinkedIn… So I’ve started my own, thanks to the wonderfull Hugo tool and some beatyfull and simple Nightfall theme.
Bruce Momjian insufflated www.PostgreSQLFr.org In the early 2000’s, the PostgreSQL Community was mostly organized on mailing-lists. The pgsql-fr-generale mailing-list had a great traffic at that time. I met then many new friends. My job at this time, in that insurance company started to bore me out a bit. I was more and more involved into the PostgreSQL community, and specially, the French one. In 2004, Nat Makarevitch, my former boss at IdealX, told me he wanted to resign from his role at Solutions Linux exhibit in Paris.
PostgreSQLFr, the NPO and 1st booth The second big step in the French PostgreSQL Community was to create a Non-Profit Organization, aka NPO. It was created during 2004~2005 winter, and announced on pgsql-fr-generale, by our 1st President, Stéphane Schildknecht. This allowed us to have “officially” a booth at Solutions Linux 2005. This was the 1st official PostgreSQL booth in France ever! “Allowed”, because only groups having a NPO could be represented here.