
My lab at home for PostgreSQL things

Why an home lab? I don’t know if “Home labs” are becoming less and less frequent, because people tend to use cloud machines or services. Or, on the contrary, if it’s (re?) gaining interest, because, people like me, are still interested in understanding how things works ? This came even more true when I started putting hands on Kubernetes for real, and this time, really deep. My company has a well-known offering for PostgreSQL in Kubernetes.

PostgreSQL on Kubernetes (#1)

PostgreSQL on Kubernetes One can feel the change for some months, if not years, around AI… Including in the PostgreSQL community. pgvector started that some years ago. And we hear more and more about it. If there’s another area where our community is adapting is the rise of Kubernetes. Because clearly, Kubernetes won what I’d call the battle for containers. I just did a fast count of “Kubernetes talks” that took part in the last 3 PostgreSQL Europe Conferences: